

1. 民事判决:Civil judgment

2. 原告、被告、诉讼代理人:Plaintiff Defendant Attorney/Agent ad litem

3. 证据:Evidence/Exhibit

4. 立案:Docket acase (docket作为名词使用时表示“案件诉讼表”)

5. 起诉状:Statement of complaint

6. 上诉状:Appeal petition

7. 诉讼请求:Claims

注:我曾在翻译英中判决时碰到:Therefore, the Plaintiff prays the marital relationship with the Defendant be dissolved. (因此,原告请求解除与被告之间的婚姻关系。)Pray也表示“请求”。

8. 答辩状:The defense/Statement of defense

9. 证人证言:testimony of witness

注:in testimony whereof在外文公证书中常见,如:In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of office this September 20,2015. (本人于2015年09月20日在此签名并盖本人公章。兹此为证。)

expert testimony:司法鉴定


1. 依法组成合议庭,公开开庭审理。

The court duly formed a collegiate panel and held an open trial.

2. 裁定撤销原判决

The court made an order to set aside the judgment/decision of the first instance.

3. 发回原审人民法院重审

The court remanded the case to the people’s court of the first instance for retrial.

4. 如协商未果,可将争议提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。

Should such negotiation fail, the dispute may be referred to the people’s court with jurisdiction for settlement.


Should the conflict after negotiation exist nonetheless,either party may lodge a complaint to the people’s court with jurisdiction forsettlement.

5. 本案现已审理终结:

The hearing of the case has now come to a close.

6. 原告诉称:

The Plaintiff alleges that…

7. 原告为证明其所主张的事实,在本院开庭审理时出示以下证据:

To support the allegations, the Plaintiff produces the following exhibits at the trial:

注:证明材料:Supporting documents,举证:Produce/Adduce evidences

8. 被告辩称:

The Defendant contends that…

注:contentious proceedings:诉讼程序

9. 开庭审理中,原告和被告对上述证据当庭质证,双方对于另一方提交的证据分别表示了质证意见。

During the trial, the Plaintiff and the Defendant examined the above exhibits, and each party commented on evidences provided by the opposing side.

注:质证:cross-examination;陈述意见:comment on sth

10. 审理中,原告对被告提出的事实无异议。

The Plaintiff was not in dispute with respect to the facts provided by the Defendant.

注:对……无异议:be not in dispute with

11. 审理中,原被告对以下事实持有异议:

At issue are the following questions of facts:

注:question at issue:争论中的问题

如:Whether you leave is not the question at issue.(你是否离开不在讨论的问题之列。)

12. 本院对上述事实予以确认。

The above facts are acknowledged by the court.


如:The Tenant acknowledges the receipt of any disclosure required by laws of New York.(承租人确认收到纽约有关法律要求的任何披露文件。)


13. 经审理查明:

The court identifies/ascertains by trial the following facts:

14. 本院认为:

The court holds that:

15. 综上,依照中华人民共和国婚姻法有关规定,现判决如下:

To conclude, the court, in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, decides as follows:



16. 原告的其他诉讼请求不予支持。

The court will not sustain other claims of the Plaintiff.

17. 二审法院审理结果:驳回上诉,维持原判。

Outcome of the lawsuit on appeal: Appeal was dismissed and the decision of the trial court affirmed.

18. 如不服本判决,可在判决书送达之日起十五日内,向本院递交上诉状,并按对方当事人的人数提出副本,上诉于XXX中级人民法院。

Either party who refuses to accept this judgment as final may, within fifteen days after service of this judgment, appeal to the XXX Intermediate People’s Court by submitting anappeal petition to the court, together with a sufficient number of copies foreach party to have one copy.